Weekly Lu​nch Menu

Purchase School Lunches Online!

St. Paul's School offers parents the ability to purchase their child’s lunch online via EZ School Apps . This program was set up by Chef Eric Webber to help streamline our lunch program and information about this program was handed out at registration.

Our lunch program is contracted directly with Chef Eric Webber through Cuoco Pazzo Creations. Parents will need to create an account on EZ School Apps for their child(ren) in order for them to participate in our lunch program. Once the account is created for your child, you may pay for their lunches directly through the website OR you can still pay with cash or check to Chef Eric (made payable to C.P.C.) and he will log your payment in to your child’s account.

Lunch Registration

St. Paul's Lunch Program

Our nutritious lunches are prepared daily by Chef Eric. Children are encouraged to participate in our lunch program, as they are delicious and satisfying.

Lunch prices remain affordable and lunches may be purchased online via EZ School Apps , or you may pay Chef Eric with cash or check directly. Please make checks payable to C.P.C (Cuoco Pazzo Creations).

For pricing on lunches, please contact Chef Eric directly via email at cpccatering@gmail.com

Menu may be subject to change.

Here's what's on the menu...