St. Paul’s May Free-Will Offering

Our May Free-Will Offering is for the WELS Christian Aid & Relief Fund.  This fund provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid to people around the world who have been devastated by natural disasters or other hardships.  Their mission is to reflect Christ’s love and compassion to souls suffering from disasters and hardships.  Because of what Christ has freely done for us, we should eagerly show we care by offering our time, talents, and treasures to those is need. 

You will find the Free-Will Offering baskets in the narthex.  If you want your offering to be recorded on your church offering statement please use the gold envelopes provided and put your name OR your new 2023 offering number on the envelope.  Checks are to be made out to:  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and please put “CAR” on the memo line.  

Thank You for your continued donations!