St. Paul’s Fall Heritage Festival October 20th

Join us as St. Paul’s celebrates our upcoming Fall Heritage Festival on Sunday, October 20 beginning with the Prep Singers from Luther Preparatory School enhancing our 9 am worship service with their songs of praise and guest preacher, Pastor John Boggs, also from Luther Prep. Following the worship service there will be a cookout, games and kid’s activities that celebrate our Lutheran Heritage.

There is a sign-up sheet for the cookout on a podium by the Fellowship Hall doors. You can also sign-up to help out, bring an appetizer and volunteer at the following link:

There will also be a Free-Will Door Offering for the LPS Music Dept. as a way of showing our appreciation and thanking the Prep Singers for coming to St. Paul’s and bringing us God’s Word through song. Look for baskets in the narthex.