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We Can't Wait to See You!

St. Paul's Church creates an environment where everyone feels welcome.  Discover a space for meaningful connections, and a place where we seek answers to life's most challenging questions.  At St. Paul's, you can meet Jesus, become part of a life-giving community, uncover your gifts, and dedicate them to glorifying God.

Join us for worship Sunday mornings or Thursday evenings!

Location & Service Times

  301 S. High Street
      Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

 +1 (920) 563-2263   Email Us

Worship Times

Thursdays at 3:30 and 6:30 pm

Sundays at 9:00 am

Communion offered on the first and third weeks of the month

Bible Study

Sundays at 10:15 am

Tuesdays at 8:00 am

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm


Walking through the doors of an unfamiliar church can be an intimidating experience, but we're dedicated to easing your fears by addressing your concerns directly.

What kind of a church is St. Paul's?

We are a Christian church affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. However, what truly matters to us are our core beliefs, which you can explore in detail on our website.

Why would I want to attend a church service?

Attending a church service offers several benefits:

1. Spiritual nourishment: Church services provide a space for worship, prayer, and reflection, helping to deepen your connection with your faith.

2. Community and fellowship: It's an opportunity to connect with fellow believers, build relationships, and find support and encouragement.

3. Guidance and teaching: Church services include sermons and teachings that can provide guidance, wisdom, and insight into living a fulfilling spiritual life.

4. Sense of belonging: Being part of a church community can provide a sense of belonging, purpose, and shared values.

5. Opportunities for service: Churches often engage in charitable and community activities, allowing you to make a positive impact and serve others.

6. Personal and spiritual growth: Attending church services can contribute to personal growth, fostering virtues such as gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness.

7. Encouragement and support: Church services can be a source of comfort, encouragement, and support during challenging times.

8. Learning and spiritual development: Through teachings, Bible studies, and discussions, church services can enhance your knowledge and deepen your understanding of your faith.

9. Worship and praise: Church services offer a dedicated time and space for worship, allowing you to express your devotion and gratitude to our Heavenly Father.

What should I wear to church?

We value your presence more than your attire. While there is no specific dress code, some members choose to dress up as a way to honor their Savior. However, what matters most to us is that you join us, regardless of what you wear.

What happens during worship service?

Upon entering our sanctuary, you will receive a service folder containing all the necessary information to follow along with the service. It will guide you through the order of worship and provide any additional details you may need.

Our worship includes a blend of traditional and modern hymns that align with the teachings of the Bible and effectively proclaim Jesus. We strive to select hymns that faithfully reflect our beliefs and honor our Savior.

Our services often follow a liturgical style, which means we adhere to a consistent outline each week. However, the content of the service varies based on the scripture and topics we are studying. This structure provides a familiar framework while allowing for meaningful and relevant worship experiences.

The service typically lasts about an hour, including a 15-20 minute sermon. The sermon is firmly rooted in the truth of the Bible and centers around the good news of salvation in Jesus. You can expect the message to be relevant and applicable to your life today.

What is St. Paul's worship style?

At St. Paul's, we aim to create worship experiences that are both reverent and relevant. Our services are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of whether you are new to our community or have been worshiping with us for years. We strive to make you feel welcomed and included in our worship gatherings.

Our liturgical services typically follow a similar pattern each week, which may include the following:

  • The Invocation - We call upon the name of our Savior God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - as we offer our praise and worship to Him.
  • Confessing our sins and Hearing Forgiveness - We humbly acknowledge that we have not always followed God's commands. However, we find assurance and comfort in the forgiveness granted to us through the work of Jesus Christ. It is a time of reflection, repentance, and receiving the assurance of God's forgiveness and grace.
  • Bible Readings - We listen to selected passages from the Old Testament prophets, the apostles of Jesus, and the Gospels where Jesus himself spoke. The pastor also provides a brief explanation or commentary on each reading, helping us to better understand and apply the teachings of the Bible to our lives. It is an opportunity to hear God's Word and gain insights into its meaning and significance.
  • Sermon - Our pastor provides instruction and encouragement based on the Bible. The sermon focuses on how we can expect God's guidance and grace in our journey through life. The central message always revolves around our forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. It is a time of learning, reflection, and drawing closer to God's truth and love.
  • Response to the Word - We express our gratitude to God for the promises He has made to us and seek His strength to follow His commands. This response may involve offerings, hymns of praise, and prayers of thanksgiving. It is a time of actively engaging with God's Word and responding with heartfelt worship and commitment.
  • Parting blessing - We receive one final assurance of God's care and blessings. It is a moment where we are reminded of God's presence, love, and guidance as we depart from the worship service. The parting blessing serves as a comforting and encouraging reminder of God's ongoing care for us throughout our daily lives.

Throughout the various parts of our service, we incorporate hymns and short songs to praise and worship God. These musical expressions of devotion and adoration are interspersed throughout the service, enhancing our worship experience and allowing us to actively engage in praising God through music.

Is it possible for me to speak with someone  first?

Absolutely! We completely understand that visiting a new church can be challenging. From encountering new faces to unfamiliar traditions, it can feel overwhelming. We would be delighted to connect with you and get to know you better. Your presence is important to us, and we want to ensure you feel welcomed and supported during your visit.

>>Request a meeting.

Do you offer communion?

At St. Paul's, we observe and practice closed communion during the first and third weeks of the month. This means that we extend an invitation to our members and those in fellowship with our beliefs (WELS or ELS Christians) to partake in communion with us. It is a practice that emphasizes unity in faith and shared beliefs among those who participate in the sacrament.

Christians who share a common confession of faith and demonstrate it through their church membership express their unity by partaking in the Lord's Supper. This practice is supported by biblical passages such as 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-29. It signifies the shared belief and fellowship among believers who participate in this sacrament.

If you are not currently a member and are interested in learning more about communing with us, we encourage you to reach out to us or speak with our pastor. He will be able to provide you with more information and guidance on how to proceed. We eagerly anticipate the day when we can commune together as a united community of believers.

Are my children welcome at worship?

Absolutely your children are welcome in our worship services!  We believe that worshiping together as a family is vital for the spiritual growth of both children and parents. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where families can worship and grow together in their faith.

We also understand that it can be hard for little ones to sit still for an entire hour. If your children are feeling restless during the service, we have an area, located at the back of the church, that is equipped with glass windows, a video monitor and speakers, allowing you and your children to still view and hear the service while giving them the freedom to move about. We want to provide a comfortable and accommodating environment for families, ensuring that everyone can participate in worship at their own pace.

We also offer a Cry Room, located in our narthex, where you can take your children if they are especially fussy. Just ask one of our ushers to show you where it is.

What measures are in place for people who are concerned about Covid-19?

We certainly understand that some people may be immune compromised or feel they are at high risk from Covid-19, and are not comfortable sitting in close quarters with other worshipers in the sanctuary. We offer worship in our Fellowship Hall, where the service is broadcast on a large screen. Tables and chairs are spaced out and are also cleaned frequently. The safety of our fellow worshipers is always important to us.

Becoming a Member

We understand that joining a church family is a big decision. That's why we offer bible information classes aimed at providing you with a deep understanding of Biblical truth and how you can continue to grow in God's grace at St. Paul's. These classes are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate your faith journey and fully engage in the life of our church community. We want to ensure that you feel supported, informed, and empowered as you make this important decision.

To receive more information about membership at St. Paul's, kindly fill out the form provided below:

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