Call News

On Sunday, January 1st, Pastor Vik announced that he has returned his Call to St. Peter Lutheran Church in Modesto, CA.  He writes:

Greetings in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

     Over the past month and a half, I have had the opportunity to learn about the ministry at St. Peter in Modesto, CA as well as discuss matters with you about the ministry of St. Paul’s .  this has been a challenging process in looking at my own abilities, being honest with myself, and making a decision based on all of the input I have received.  I have been praying, “where can I serve God faithfully and well?”  Over the last few weeks, my mind has been consumed with all of the matters of ministry, both here and there.  I have been praying to the Lord in an effort to seek peace and confidence.  Therefore, I have decided to return the Call to serve in Modesto.

     This decision was difficult to make because of the circumstances of our synod and the ministry needs that are all around us.  These busy times did not lend to an easy time for deliberation, but God knew the times and circumstances were right.  This deliberation has been a benefit to me, my family, and I am sure it will lead to better things here at St. Paul’s.  I am thankful for the opportunity to hear from many of you.  There is much to do and I will look forward to working together with you to better accomplish all that can be done to God’s glory!  Finally, let us continue to pray that the Lord of the harvest bless us with more ministers to preach the Word. 

In service to Jesus, Pastor Matthew Vik