Sunday, January 15, the Holy Spirit led our voters to Call the following people to serve our Lord here at St. Paul’s–
Pastor Scharf writes:
Dear Members of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Greetings in our Savior’s name. I am writing to formally acknowledge the Call you, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, have issued to me to serve as pastor. I recognize the Holy Spirit’s call through you, his church, to me. I look forward to the call deliberation process and know that the lord of the church will bless all of us through it. “God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:22) Our Savior will never leave us nor forsake us. He takes care of the church, which is his body. God bless you. You are in my prayers. Your Brother in Christ, Pastor Nate Scharf 920-941-0103 (cell & text)
Mrs. Moeri writes:
Dear Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran, On Sunday, January 15, I received a Call to be a teacher at St. Paul’s Lutheran School. I am both excited and humbled at this opportunity. Please keep me and my husband in your prayers as I deliberate on where I should serve our Lord. I welcome any input from anyone in the congregation! In His Service, Alison Moeri 920-253-8668 (call/text) email:
You can also contact Mrs. Karla Leitz at 920-203-4172
Please keep Pastor Scharf, Mrs. Moeri, Mrs. Leitz and their families and the decide where they can best serve our Lord.
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